
Preperations | Ready to go!

Hi everyone!

The last preperations are done. I've got my passport and I'm ready for the flight. I also have the yellow fever and hepatitis A vaccinations given. These vaccinations make sure that I don't get the diseases. The vaccinations were pretty scary because I'm terrified of needles. But luckily the lady was very nice and the vaccine was quick and easy. I also have to take Malaria pills so I don't get infected by de mosquito. All medical care is done. Now that everything is ready and the departure date is getting closer, it is becoming very real and exciting. But I'm ready to go!

xx Nalini

Hi iedereen!

Mijn laatste voorbereidingen voor de reis zijn klaar. Ik heb mijn paspoort in orde, en ben dus ready voor de vlucht. Ook heb ik de gele koorts en hepatitis A inentingen gekregen. Deze zorgen ervoor dat ik tijdens de reis geen nare ziektes kan oplopen. De prik zelf was best wel spannend, want ik ben doodsbang voor naalden. Maar gelukkig was de mevrouw die de prik gaf erg aardig en was het snel achter de rug. Ook moet ik tijdens de reis Malaria pillen slikken zodat ik de ziekte minder snel kan krijgen. Alle medische zorg is dus nu in orde. Nu alles een beetje geregeld is en de vertrekdatum in zicht komt, wordt het toch wel erg spannend en echt. Maar ik ben klaar om te gaan!

xx Nalini


I'm going to Kenya!!

Not a French campside, but a Kenyan Hostel for me this year.
Two weeks ago I didn't know better than to go to France for the summer. But one Facebook post changed my mind.
Will this be my first far trip away from home?
'What are you going to do there?' Is the first question  people ask me. That's a little hard for me to explain too.
According to the projects of Millenium Travels I'm going to experience the eduacition system in the slums of Kenya. What do kids learn there, what are there dreams? What could be done to help the situation in Kibera?
Stichting4Life tries to better the educationsystem in Kibera. They are also helping women in the slums with a job by educating them. I am going to wittness this wonderfull project.
I am going to prepare workshops for the kids in the slums. They are going to do the same for me :)
After I read all this information I was sure about the trip: I'm going to Kenya
Do you want to travel with me? Follow my blog
I'm sure you'll find it as exciting as me
xx Nalini